four Search Engines at a time

Welcome to
NetSavy's Search Engine Tips Page! |
"Specializing in quality, discount, web page design and
Web Site Optimization Tips
The following search engine optimization tips are the most important
ones to use for a long-term search engine strategy:
1. |
<title> Less than 40 characters seems to work best </title>
Place a unique title on every page of your web site using
your top keywords. Keep it short and include those keywords you
most value. Well written Page Titles are essential to search
engine positioning. No more than 7-8 Words will be used. Maximums are 63
Characters for most search engines like Google and 120 for Inktomi |
2. |
Write great content using your most important keywords
throughout your web site. Visitors who read great content will
link to your web site and recommend it to others. |
3. |
Develop a solid link development strategy among the top
directories and industry-related sites. Search engines measure
both link popularity and click-through popularity as part of their
search engine algorithms. Check out the Google
page rank system on how to rate your page. |
4. |
Always do keyword research on both the search engines and
directories to determine the best set of keywords and keyword
phrases your target audience is using. |
5. |
Use site statistics software to measure your results. If
your statistics show that your site's visitors are typing in a set
of keywords to find your site, readjust the HTML tags for them. |
6. |
Put alternative text in your graphic images that clearly
describe the graphic image, using your keywords whenever possible.
Do not put text in a graphic image that has nothing to do with
your web page. |
7. |
Do not spam the search engines because they can and will
permanently delete your web pages from their indexes if you go too
far. Examples of spam include keyword stacking and stuffing,
refreshing your web pages too quickly, using invisible text or
text that is too small. |
8. |
Navigation. If a search engine can't find it, they
can't index it. Sites which contain frames (see Frames # 12), javascript and forms
limit the search engines ability to index the site. |
9. |
Meta Info. Well written Meta page Description Tags
are essential to Search Engine positioning, however, the Meta
Keyword Tag is not as essential to Search Engine positioning
presently. Absolutely do not repeat keyword more than twice and don't ever leave it out. Never take chances!
Meta Description 200 characters max (245 on Inktomi), 1024 characters
max on keywords for both.. |
10. |
Directories. Well written Descriptions for search
engine directories, like Yahoo or Dmoz, are essential to Directory Search Engine
positioning. Include the 5 most important keywords and keep
the wording below 20-25 words. |
11. |
Keywords. Optimize for no more than 5 keywords per
page, 250 words is best per page, make a link page with keywords
that point to other pages that contain more information about the
keyword that got linked to that page.Usually, 5-10 times per keyword
is the maximum, depending on the length of the page. Somewhere around
2-2.5% of the total amount of words in the body. |
12. |
Frames. If your site has frames, I suggest that you
either do one of two things. One, remove the frames, or two,
use the <noframes> tag to give the search engines something
to see. The <noframes> tag will allow you to put up to
250 words about your site that will be search engine friendly. |
13. |
Flash. If your site has Flash, I suggest that you
either do one of two things. One, remove the Flash
animation, or two, use a small graphic of Flash instead of the
complete page. The search engines cannot find graphics and
have no idea what is in the Flash graphic, so you MUST use text on
your site if you want to be found. |
<back> |

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Last modified 2/23/2001.
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